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Patricio Ramal & Silvia Li

Why Watching A Sales Training Recording Doesn't Add Skills: Lessons from the Kitchen

In the demanding world of B2B commercial success, upskilling new sellers is a top priority. However, the common misconception that watching a one-hour video about a particular step in the sales process can make someone fluent in sales is akin to expecting a home cook to replicate a chef's masterpiece after watching a brief cooking show. Let's delve into why this approach falls short and what we can learn from the culinary world about effective training.

1. The Illusion of Mastery

Imagine tuning in to a cooking show where a renowned chef effortlessly prepares a complex dish like Beef Wellington. The visuals are captivating, the explanations seem clear, and you're convinced that you can replicate it at home. Similarly, a one-hour sales training video about one aspect of the sales process might showcase top-performing sales techniques, making it seem easy to apply them in real-world scenarios.

However, just as watching a chef doesn't make you a culinary expert, watching a sales presentation recording doesn't make you a sales virtuoso. Mastery in both fields requires hands-on experience, practice, and a deep understanding of underlying principles.

2. Complexity Beyond the Screen

B2B sales, like cooking, is more than meets the eye. While a video can provide insights and tips, it often simplifies the complexities of real-life interactions. In sales, every prospect is unique, presenting varying challenges and opportunities. Understanding nuances, adapting strategies, and building rapport require more than passive observation.

Similarly, cooking involves precise techniques, ingredient choices, and timing that go beyond what a TV show can convey. A home cook must practice and learn from experience to master a dish like Beef Wellington.

3. Practice Makes Perfect

In the kitchen, trial and error are essential for growth. A home cook learns by executing the recipes with their home gadgets, adjusting the flavors, and refining their techniques. Similarly, in sales, new sellers need opportunities to practice crafting the messages, handle objections, and navigate different sales scenarios.

Effective learning goes beyond absorption; it includes comprehension, recall, and application, which can be activated through motor-skill engagement, role-playing exercises, real-world simulations, and constructive feedback.

4. The Need for Solid Foundation

Success in B2B sales, like culinary excellence, is built on a strong foundation. It requires understanding customer needs, effective communication, problem-solving skills, and resilience in the face of challenges. While a video can introduce concepts, it's the ongoing learning journey that cultivates expertise.

Encouraging continuous or on-the-job learning, providing resources for skill development, and fostering a supportive environment are key elements of effective sales training. Just as a chef hones skills over time, sales professionals refine their abilities through constant practice, feedback, and ongoing skill enhancement.

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